Priscilla Ng's answer to Joel's Primary 5 Maths Percentage Singapore question.

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Priscilla Ng
Priscilla Ng's answer
788 answers (Tutor Details)
Guess and Check Method:
There should be more red dresses sold than blue dresses because overall, there was an increase in number of dresses sold on Tue compared to Mon.

Hope the solution helps.
4 years ago
Thanks for the help
4 years ago
The problem with guess and check here is that as the are numbers of any dresses are given, there are many solutions. So to say that the number of dresses is a certain number would technically be incorrect.

To guess and check , the student may not know where to start and it can take a very long time to figure out the correct percentages.

Joel, refer to my solutions in the comment section for a general solution to the question which does not involve any numbers of dresses