Woon Kiat's answer to Amanda's Primary 6 Maths Ratio Singapore question.

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Woon Kiat
Woon Kiat's answer
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It's a little complex. I hope it helps.
The removal of 440 from the total is to make Tracy and HM comparable. Then, since Tracy is the same, I make both the same. But to do that I have to remove 360 (Tracy) and 240 (HM, calculated based on Tracy) before I can compare all three of them in units only. It's quite complicated. Hopefully you understand or someone may give you an easier answer.
Woon Kiat
Woon Kiat
5 years ago
The answer is not complete but I think you should be able to continue from there.
5 years ago
Thank you :)
5 years ago
Thank you :)