Genevieve Teo's answer to Danish's Primary 5 Maths Angles & Geometry Singapore question.

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Genevieve Teo
Genevieve Teo's answer
8 answers (Tutor Details)
This is a tough question for P5, I even had to use some concept of algebra to solve this.

Just to clarify certain things:

First step is to work backwards.
B is 5 times of A, so B has 5 units and A has 1 unit. But B and A were given equal amounts of flour from C. The blue blocks represent flour from C, and these blocks are of equal size to show equal amounts given.

So B has 2350 g + some number of C = 5 units,
and A has 305 g + some number of C = 1 unit

If you multiply A by 5, you get the same number of units as B.

C has 1750g at first, the question is asking for C at the end --> 1750g - some number of C (to B) - some number of C (to A)

The rest of the steps are in the picture.