Henry Tan's answer to Jose's Primary 4 Maths Singapore question.

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Henry Tan
Henry Tan's answer
359 answers (A Helpful Person)
Your model is correct, when girls were 3 times means girls 3 units and boy left with 1 unit.
Henry Tan
Henry Tan
5 years ago
Hi Jose, you can learn from YouTube “ ezmath/primary/model (basic) #4 “
5 years ago
Hi Mr. Henry Tan , can u upload in ur Utube page the Solution for Animal and Birds leg problem..
Henry Tan
Henry Tan
5 years ago
Hi Jose, I had already uploaded. Please go to YouTube “ ezmath/primary/assumption method A (basic) #1a “. It’s easier if you subscribe to it and go to playlist to view, there are different methods for you to learn.
5 years ago
Thank you Mr. Henry Tan , also subscribed .