Eric Nicholas K's answer to Shaz's Secondary 3 A Maths Singapore question.

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Eric Nicholas K
Eric Nicholas K's answer
5997 answers (Tutor Details)
We need to simply the expression by means of indices and factorisation. Here are my further notes to my workings.

First line requires you to rewrite the powers into the common 4n - 1.

Second line requires you to split the 4n - 1 + 2 into 4n - 1 and 2 by the same-base rule of indices.

Third line requires you to factorise the numerator.

Fourth line requires you to regroup all the '2's together and the other numbers together.

Fifth line requires you to combine the 4n - 1 and n into 4n - 1 - n by the same-base rule of indices.

Sixth line requires you to simplify 4n - 1 - n into 3n - 1.

Seventh line requires you to split the 3n - 1 into 3n and 1 by the same-base rule of indices.

Eighth line requires you to evaluate 2^-1.

Ninth line requires you to multiply 3/5 and 1/2.

Finally, after all done, we can then make comparisons, so k = 3/10 and p = 3.