Eric Nicholas K's answer to Kathy's Secondary 4 E Maths Singapore question.
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Question 21 to 24 due to lack of space.
Question 24b (ii) is very badly phrased. The question should be 'state the smallest integer value k', not 'state the smallest integer value n', since n has already been used for n4 - 9n2.
Question 24b (ii) is very badly phrased. The question should be 'state the smallest integer value k', not 'state the smallest integer value n', since n has already been used for n4 - 9n2.
Date Posted:
5 years ago
I will be online from now (instead of 11:30 pm) due to a change in scheduling.
For 24b(ii), the integer values k can be 2 or 4 (and nothing else). Because there are two even and two odd numbers in te product, we are sure that the product will be a multiple of 4.