Eric Nicholas K's answer to holowinwin's Secondary 4 E Maths Singapore question.

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Eric Nicholas K
Eric Nicholas K's answer
5997 answers (Tutor Details)
We need to make sense of what the notations mean.

(i) A u B means anything that comes from either A or B are allowed, so we collect all the elements in A and B and put them together.

(ii) B' means anything that is not inside B (but within the universal set of course).

(iii) A n B' means anything that lies inside A but outside B.

(iv) B u C means anything that comes from either B or C.

(v) B u C' means anything that comes from either B or anything outside C.

(vi) A' u C means anything that comes from either C or anything outside of A.

(vii) (A' n C) u B means anything that comes from either of these two categories:

---- inside C but outside A
---- inside B

(viii) (A u B)' means anything that is not inside A or B.

(ix) (A u C) n B means anything that is COMMON inside these two categories:

---- anything inside A or C
---- inside B

(x) Subset of A just means any combination or part of A. If the subset contains every element of A (but no repetition of numbers), then the subsets are identical. If the subset only contains some numbers of A (but nothing from outside A), then the subset is also a proper subset.