Nachu Subramanian's answer to Ref06's Secondary 3 E Maths question.

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Nachu Subramanian
Nachu Subramanian's answer
3 answers (A Helpful Person)
Lets assume (-1,4) is point A, (2,-1) is point B, (8,k) is point C

Slope of AB = Slope of BC = Slope of AC

(x axis value of B - x axis value of A)
Slope of AB = ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
(y axis value of B - y axis value of A)

(2 – -1) 3
= –––––– = ––––––
(-1 – 4). -5

Slope of BC = Slope of AB

(x axis value of C - x axis value of B) 3
–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– = ––––
(y axis value of C - y axis value of B) -5

(8 – 2) 3
–––––– = ––––
(k – -1) -5

6 3
–––– = ––––
k + 1 -5

-5 × 6 = 3 (k + 1)

-5 × 6
––––– = k + 1

-5 × 2 = k + 1

-10 = k + 1

k = -11

Best Regards