Ng Khee Boon's answer to Mai Ryzach's Primary 6 Maths question.

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Ng Khee Boon
Ng Khee Boon's answer
68 answers (A Helpful Person)
Find the shaded area of 1quadrant (A) .

Multiply by 8 to get the total shaded area
Mai Ryzach
Mai Ryzach
6 years ago
Hi.Thank you so it Area of shaded= Area of quadrant- Area of triangle?
Ng Khee Boon
Ng Khee Boon
6 years ago
What you had calculated is only for one small segment .You need to multiply by 8 to get the total shaded area
Mai Ryzach
Mai Ryzach
6 years ago
For the first ans i got the ans 77-98 that is area of quadrant minus area of triangle
Mai Ryzach
Mai Ryzach
6 years ago
Oh i think i see it wrongly is it.1/4×22/7×14×14 minus 1/2×14×14
Mai Ryzach
Mai Ryzach
6 years ago
Thank you so much for helping.