Alicia Tan's answer to Lim YS's Primary 4 Maths question.

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Alicia Tan
Alicia Tan's answer
16 answers (A Helpful Person)
Ans: 10 sharpeners
Lim YS
Lim YS
6 years ago
Thank You
Lim YS
Lim YS
6 years ago
Ans is correct but still cannot figure it out how it works
Alicia Tan
Alicia Tan
6 years ago
If 24stap=32 sharpeners, if i divide 4 on each side which will give me 6staplers = 8 sharpeners, then i use 24-6 and 32-8 on each side, which will give me 18 staplers= 24sharpeners, since i only need to add more sharpeners into the box,then i take 24-14=10 more sharpeners. I hope u can understand tho becuz this is actually quite complicated :)
Lim YS
Lim YS
6 years ago
Thanks for the efforts...