Fong Kei Sen's answer to Komati Reddy Chandrasekhar Reddy's Primary 6 Maths question.

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Fong Kei Sen
Fong Kei Sen's answer
42 answers (A Helpful Person)
Notice AEB is an isoceles triangle too. Try to utilise the special types of triangles, isoceles and equilateral triangles in these type of questions. Based on the diagram, I assumed AE=AD when it is mentioned that AED is isoceles, do post this question again if the question meant that another 2 length are eqaul instead.
Fong Kei Sen
Fong Kei Sen
6 years ago
Please do check if the question meant that AE=AD when they said AED is isoceles, it is weird that BG=BC is stated by the question but not utilised. This is usually not the case for primary school questions
Komati Reddy Chandrasekhar Reddy
Komati Reddy Chandrasekhar Reddy
6 years ago
Thanks a lot for the solution