Harshaana's answer to Blehhhh's Secondary 3 E Maths question.

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Harshaana's answer
55 answers (Tutor Details)
Area of the Rhombus is
(1/2) × diagonal AC × diagonal BD.
Based on that, plug in the given values and solve. Hopefully the steps are clear enough (:
7 years ago
I'm not sure if you have learnt rationalising of the denominator. By rationalising the denominator, you can change a fraction whose denominator contains a surd to a rational number.
If you do know how to do that, then do not do step 5. Instead, rationalise the denominator by multiplying with [(3√3)-4]/[(3√3)-4].

If you managed to follow the steps, you would get BD= [6(17+√3)]/11.