Arnold K H Tan's answer to kenzy's Secondary 3 E Maths question.

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Arnold K H Tan
Arnold K H Tan's answer
2117 answers (A Helpful Person)
Q1, fron dot and cross diagram practice, you are supposed to know nitrogen is N2, Oxygen is O2 and all group 7 elements are diatomic. Q2) the key phrase 'sharing of electrons' tells you its a covalent compound formed between sharing of electrons between non-metallic elements. Ionic bonds are formed by a metal losing electrons to a non-metal element (which gains the electrons) so both have the stable electronic configuration of a noble gas (group 0 elements).
6 years ago
thanks again for your answer. for question 4, you’ve mentioned that electron shell max can only hold 8. may i ask why is there 12 electrons surrounding the sulphur atom? thanks
6 years ago
also, may i know how to draw a covalent bond when given 2 electronic config? i’m usually stuck because i’ve no idea how many atoms to draw and how many electrons would be shared . thanks
Arnold K H Tan
Arnold K H Tan
6 years ago
Sulfur is a special case for the sulfate and sulfite ion. I still recall that none of us in my class could draw the dot and cross diagram for the sulfate ion when I was in JC.. then after we learnt the answer... we were understandably pissed. Haha. To determine how many atoms to draw, at Sec 3, they start you off with the chemical formula and let you work out the dot and cross diagram. Do or die.. all atoms must end up with 8 electrons in the valence shell after sharing. I will post an excerpt from my notes as an example.
6 years ago
thanks !!