Wiranta Kusumo's answer to Shermel Lee Lee's Secondary 4 A Maths question.

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Wiranta Kusumo
Wiranta Kusumo's answer
23 answers (Tutor Details)
As long as you are familiar with how Chain Rule works, this question should be manageable. It’s just a matter of how you present your working. For “show” question, always remember to start off with LHS (Left Hand side) and conclude that it’s equal to the RHS (Right Hand Side), or vice versa, as per how I have presented the solution here. It’s important NOT to start off your working with the equation itself, because you are supposed to SHOW the equation, which means it has NOT been justified yet. Hope I have helped enough. If you have anymore question feel free to ask. All the best! :)
Wiranta Kusumo
Wiranta Kusumo
6 years ago
There’s another method of showing which I believe is more efficient, but it is only taught in the A Levels syllabus. This method suffice for the O Levels.