Wiranta Kusumo's answer to Sara Mannan's Secondary 3 E Maths question.

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Wiranta Kusumo
Wiranta Kusumo's answer
23 answers (Tutor Details)
The main approach to answering this question is to express the left hand side as a single fraction first before we cross multiply and form a single quadratic equation of the form ax^2 + bx + c = 0 for us to solve for x. Should you have any queries, feel free to ask. Hope I’ve helped enough. All the best! :)
Wiranta Kusumo
Wiranta Kusumo
6 years ago
Oh and once you have obtained the solutions, do NOT forget to substitute back and see if both values satisfy the equation, as per what I have done here. This is a common pitfall among students. So be careful!
6 years ago
The recommended approach to students is actually factorise the denominators first and find the LCM. In this case it's just 2f+2. Do that and you won't have extraneous solutions to reject.
Wiranta Kusumo
Wiranta Kusumo
6 years ago
You’re right! Thanks for noting it out. Your method is definitely more efficient.