Chew Shao Wei's answer to Mohan's Secondary 3 A Maths question.

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Chew Shao Wei
Chew Shao Wei's answer
26 answers (Tutor Details)
This question took me way too long because I couldn’t see my careless mistakes...

For such polynomial questions, what you need to do is to understand the hints given to you in the question. For example, when it says “cuts the x axis at -2”, what the question is trying to tell you “when y=0, x=-2” and then sub in the values.

As you know, for simultaneous equations, you need 1 equation per unknown. So for cubic functions in this case, there will be 4 equations before you can solve simultaneously. Make sure you get the required equations from the question.

Once you’re done, you should always substitute back values given in the question to check your answers. I hope this helps!
6 years ago
Solution is way too long and complicated. First and last line of presentation is not quite correct.
Chew Shao Wei
Chew Shao Wei
6 years ago
Ah yes, but this was a way that I learnt in school lol. Probably not the best but gets the job done
6 years ago
Thank you ..