Tham KY's answer to Cqviezel Liow's Junior College 1 H2 Maths question.

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Tham KY
Tham Ky's answer
6052 answers (Tutor Details)
Sorry, don't know how to present the final value of height right now.... Let you know later when I figure out...
Tham KY
Tham KY
6 years ago
BTW, do you have the answer for this h?
Cqviezel Liow
Cqviezel Liow
6 years ago
Yes I do I'll go back home and check
Cqviezel Liow
Cqviezel Liow
6 years ago
The answer is 0.914m to 3.33m
Tham KY
Tham KY
6 years ago
OK, then you just stop at where I marked "?", ignore the rest...