Peir Yong's answer to Jennifer's Junior College 2 H2 Maths question.

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Peir Yong
Peir Yong's answer
77 answers (Tutor Details)
Sorry I didn’t read properly. 0.28bar is the external pressure and 5 is the external temp. But what you are interested in is the internal pressure and internal T.

Your comparison should also be the internal. Cause only internal moles of gas and volume of gas is remaining constant
6 years ago
Ohh ok thks!! Btw, how we decide whether to use this method or pV=nRt for similar qns?
Peir Yong
Peir Yong
6 years ago
You can always use PV=nRT.

The method you and I used on this question , it’s only when p,V,n,T, 2 of the variables are constant. Like for this case, n and V are constants.

So that’s why you can say p is proportional to T.