Cheong Sik Feng's answer to Imran Westerhout Hasan's Secondary 1 Maths question.

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Cheong Sik Feng
Cheong Sik Feng's answer
13 answers (A Helpful Person)
4(a): ans = 21
4(b): ans = 15120
Imran Westerhout Hasan
Imran Westerhout Hasan
6 years ago
Thank you so much, but how did you get 3x7 for part a?
Cheong Sik Feng
Cheong Sik Feng
6 years ago
Since 3024 = 2^4 * 3^3 * 7, and a perfect square must have exponents that are even, the smallest square number that is a multiple of 3024 is 2^4 * 3*4 * 7^2 = 3024*(3*7)