Peir Yong's answer to Jennifer's Junior College 2 H2 Maths question.

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Peir Yong
Peir Yong's answer
77 answers (Tutor Details)
Please ask if don't understand okay? All the best!! Idk why D is wrong though. It looks correct to me
7 years ago
Thanks! But may i ask how did u get the conc for BH+ and B?
Peir Yong
Peir Yong
7 years ago
For which part?
7 years ago
The first part, first option
Peir Yong
Peir Yong
7 years ago
No. Of moles of B is the number of moles of HCl required to neutralise it. Then from number of moles you divide by the volume of B initially you get [B]. This of course, we are assuming the amount of B dissociated is negligible compared to its initial concentration. So [B] before dissociation = [B] after dissociation. An analogy would be if you got a million dollars, I take 1 dollar from you, it's not going to affect your financial status since 999,999 and 1,000,000 is about the same.

Then based on the dissociation equation, the OH- and BH+ are equimolar. So [OH-] = [BH+]
7 years ago
So intital conc of B equals to conc after dissociation is a necessary assumption we must make?
Peir Yong
Peir Yong
7 years ago
Most of the cases when you have to assume.

But since this case you know [OH-], you can use ICE table to find out final concentration of base after dissociation. Then find out kb. the answer won't deviate too much from 8 e-04.
7 years ago
Ohh i see thank you!
Peir Yong
Peir Yong
7 years ago
Remember when you assume, it's good to check back that the dissociation is less than 5% of the original concentration.

If I'm not wrong, all the time it should be. It is like to tell the examiner, "hey, I know that the dissociation is very small compared to the original conc. that's why I can assume dissociation is negligible (since it's <5% of original conc.)
7 years ago
Yup okay! Btw, for option B i tot conc of H+ is just 0.01x10x10^-3? Why do we need to divide by55?