arvelia ong's answer to Clarice Chong's Primary 6 Maths question.

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arvelia ong
Arvelia Ong's answer
1 answers (Tutor Details)
(a) The tank is filled with 15 L in 8 minutes while the total capacity of the tank is 45 L.

(b) When both tap is on, 30 L of the tank is filled in 4 minutes. Hence, 60 L will be filled if it is on for 8 minutes. Since Tap P filled in 15 L, Tap Q will fill in 45 L. Hence, the answer is 45 L / 8 min, so it's 5.625 L per minute
Gwen Beatrice
Gwen Beatrice
5 years ago
Can you explain pls I don't understand