Tham KY's answer to Jennifer's Junior College 2 H2 Maths question.

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Tham KY
Tham Ky's answer
6052 answers (Tutor Details)
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7 years ago
Isnt the O- attached to C and the e pair shd be included as well?
Tham KY
Tham KY
7 years ago
Cathode is CoO2, like shown in diagram 1, one extra O is also linked to Co , as if one cobalt has 3 O... So no need to take that into consideration....
7 years ago
Sry i still dont get it! But do we know which 2 Os are the one we shd consider since there 3 attached to it in both diagrams?
Tham KY
Tham KY
7 years ago
Since the chemical formula of cobalt oxide is CoO2, 2 oxygen atoms are linked with 1 cobalt atom, it must be one O- and one O=, the other O- is with the next Co atom...