Jithendar's answer to Faith Marie's Junior College 2 H3 Maths question.

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Jithendar's answer
1 answers (Tutor Details)
Hi Faith Marie,

Excel contains (as stated below)

1) Derive the values based on the Initial Budget and Initial Actual values provided.
a) Derive excel column for D4=C3/C4, D5=C3/C5, D6=C3/C6,
b) Derive excel column for G4=G3/G4, G5=G3/G5, G6=G3/G6

2) In the "Revised Performance Report" derive the new values based on the Budget of 10,000,000
a) assign C12=10,000,000
b) Derive excel column C13=C12/D4, C14=C12/D5, C15=C12/D6, C16=(C12-(C13+C14+C15))
c) assign F12=10,000,000
d) Derive excel column F13=F12/G4, F14=F12/G5, F15=F12/G6, F16=(F12-(F13+F14+F15))

Note : Salesmen's commission for Budget 10,000,000 = 555,555.56 (refer the excel column C14)

Hope this helps !!!

Thanks & Regards,