Kym Koh Hui Xin's answer to Alex's Secondary 4 A Maths Singapore question.

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Kym Koh Hui Xin
Kym Koh Hui Xin's answer
25 answers (Tutor Details)
First, you must be able to recognise that square root is the same as to the power of 1/2
Then, you need to know how to use chain rule to differentiate, where chain rule states that you are differentiating a function where there is a power at the top.
Steps to take to differentiating using chain rule:
1. Bring down power, put in front
2. Copy down bracket
3. Reduce initial power by 1, and put beside bracket
4. Differentiate whatever thats inside the bracket.
You can refer to your textbook on how to differentiate using chain rule.
Kym Koh Hui Xin
Kym Koh Hui Xin
2 months ago
Oops sorry, i realised for part e) i can simplify the 6 at the numerator and 3 and the denominator somemore. Hence the final ans should be -2x^5/(27-x^6)^2/3