Bee Ling's answer to CIA's Secondary 3 A Maths Singapore question.

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Bee Ling
Bee Ling's answer
15 answers (A Helpful Person)
1 month ago
Answer in terms of k
Bee Ling
Bee Ling
1 month ago
Yes I know, but since you asked for help for question d without b, then I already assume you have answer of question b, so you just have to copy the answer of question b right! And that solves everything :) because I didn’t take time to solve b in extra
Bee Ling
Bee Ling
1 month ago
Besides, to answer b, you need to solve a. So this question can only be done if you solve an and b. If no problem with an and b, then you actually have acquired all the ingredients to solve c and d right ? Hope this helps :)
1 month ago
Use right angled triangle,
Bee Ling
Bee Ling
1 month ago
You use right angle triangle for ?
1 month ago
Pythagoras theorem
Bee Ling
Bee Ling
1 month ago
Ok basically in short, my question is have you solved a and b, if yes, just have to copy down the answer from b to d, because I have already proven that the answer is same as sin(1.2pi)
1 month ago
Can u worked out d) ? Tks
Bee Ling
Bee Ling
1 month ago
I have worked out, but you just have to plug in the answer of b, which is sin(1.2pi).