AC Lim's answer to alley~!'s Primary 5 Maths Decimals Singapore question.

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AC Lim
Ac Lim's answer
12932 answers (A Helpful Person)
Hope this helps
1 month ago
could u explain how you get 0.5 and is it okay for you to make your handwriting clearer? sorry but i cannot read it.
AC Lim
AC Lim
1 month ago
Total Ethan pay for watches = 14 x U = 14u
Total Ethan pay for bookmarks = 30

Total Ray pay for watches = 13.5 x U = 13.5u
Total Ray pay for bookmarks= 36

Given, both paid the same for the items.
Ethan's total = Ray's total
14u + 30 = 13.5u + 36
14u - 13.5u = 36 - 30
0.5u = 6
u = 12