J Vishnu Chithan's answer to Shreya's Secondary 2 Maths Singapore question.

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J Vishnu Chithan
J Vishnu Chithan's answer
74 answers (Tutor Details)
J Vishnu Chithan
J Vishnu Chithan
3 months ago
2x and 4y must sum to 7 dollars no matter what x and y are.
J Vishnu Chithan
J Vishnu Chithan
3 months ago
So can have a number of x and y values summing up to 7 dollars.
J Vishnu Chithan
J Vishnu Chithan
3 months ago
Note that answer for part b is fixed .
3 months ago
Vishnu, thank you very much for your help. Fm Shreya
J Vishnu Chithan
J Vishnu Chithan
3 months ago
Welcome Shreya. Hope you understood. Let me know if you require more help :)
2 months ago
Thank you Vishnu