Shreyas Kalkunte Satish's answer to Thu's Primary 6 Maths Percentage Singapore question.

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Shreyas Kalkunte Satish
Shreyas Kalkunte Satish's answer
1 answers (A Helpful Person)
If you do not really understand, let me explain.
Take 25 % as 5 units as given in the ratio.
Then, find the percentage for the milk chocolates.
This is necessary so that you can subtract the percentage to find the total percentage of dark and orange chocolates. Only then, you can divide to find 1 percent and find the total amount of chocolates. If you have any questions, please comment and I will reply as soon as possible.
Shreyas Kalkunte Satish
Shreyas Kalkunte Satish
10 months ago
Forgot to mention, answer is option (2)