Erfana Beevee Binte Hassan Shariff's answer to Anvikha's Primary 6 Maths Singapore question.

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Erfana Beevee Binte Hassan Shariff
Erfana Beevee Binte Hassan Shariff's answer
275 answers (Tutor Details)
You are in the right track.
Circumference of circle=pi(d)
Circumference of small circle= 4pi (to be in the numerator later)
Circumference of big circle=16pi (to be in denominator later)

4pi/16pi = 1/4 (cos pi gets cancelled off)

Hope this helps.
6 months ago
Thank you for helping me understand this question
Erfana Beevee Binte Hassan Shariff
Erfana Beevee Binte Hassan Shariff
6 months ago
Most welcome. Am glad you were able to understand my explanation :)