AC Lim's answer to M's Primary 6 Maths Percentage Singapore question.

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AC Lim
Ac Lim's answer
12513 answers (A Helpful Person)
Hope this helps
2 months ago
Hi, can you explain further what does ‘u’ represent? How is 12 more girls in the second groupnshown on the model drawing? Thanks.
2 months ago
Thank you.
AC Lim
AC Lim
2 months ago
Group 1
Boy = u+20
Girl = u
(Cause given boy have 20 more than girl)
Total = 2u + 20

Group 2
Boy = p
Girl = p +12
But given total group 1 = group 2
So, we use u .
Boy = u + 4
Girl = u + 16 (12 more than boy)
Total = 2u + 20 same as total group 1