AC Lim's answer to M's Primary 6 Maths Data Analysis Singapore question.

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AC Lim
Ac Lim's answer
13108 answers (A Helpful Person)
Hope this helps
1 year ago
Hi, can explain further why answer is April and not March? From March to April, a straight line is drawn, doesn't that mean there was no deposit in March?
AC Lim
AC Lim
1 year ago
Oh.. cause the graph show the money at THE END OF EVERY MONTH.

Mean at the end of March =150 (31 March) then at the end of April = 150 (30 April). So, from 1st Apr to 30 Apr no deposit into bank.

If the question said at the beginning of each month, mean answer is March.
1 year ago
Ahh. This is so tricky. Thank you for teaching me to look at the graph title more carefully the next time