jiho's answer to Alaya's Secondary 3 E Maths Singapore question.

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Jiho's answer
7 answers (A Helpful Person)
Sorry for my bad handwriting:(
im not sure whether this is correct, i just tried.
For part (a) i divided the triangle into two triangles so that I can get a right-angled triangle and can use trigo. Also the ones states (h), (o) and (a) are hypotenuse, opposite and adjacent respectively. I used sine(O/H)
For (b) as you may already know, all the angles in the triangle added together will 180° so you can use the half triangle (right-angled one)
For (c) i used trigo (cosine) because i assume that the shortest length is by cutting the triangle in half line, so since it’s a right-angled triangle then you can use cosine (A/H)

hope it helps:)