Xavier Sng's answer to Sharon's Primary 6 Maths Ratio Singapore question.

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Xavier Sng
Xavier Sng's answer
801 answers (A Helpful Person)
Hope this helps. Regards
9 months ago
May I know why we make the difference into same units. This is simpler than I have worked out. Tk u.
Xavier Sng
Xavier Sng
9 months ago
Sure, I am delighted to explain to you. The question states that the total number of boys in the Debate club and the Drama club equal to those of the girls. So if there are more boys than girls in the Debate club, there must be more girls than boys in the Drama club. Moreover, the difference between the boys and girls in both clubs must be the same. Hope this clarifies your doubt. Regards
9 months ago
Tk u for explaining . I got it..
9 months ago
Tahnk u
Xavier Sng
Xavier Sng
9 months ago
My pleasure. Regards