Xavier Sng's answer to May's Secondary 3 A Maths Singapore question.
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Hope this helps. Regards
Date Posted:
1 year ago
Thank you. May i check why you used Pythagoras theorem? Because i dont see the right angled triangle
The pleasure is all mine.
You have asked a good question. You see, the side AB is vertical, and is perpendicular to the square base. This of course tells us the diagonal of the square base must also be perpendicular to the side AB since the diagonal lies on the square base. Can you visualise that now?
You have asked a good question. You see, the side AB is vertical, and is perpendicular to the square base. This of course tells us the diagonal of the square base must also be perpendicular to the side AB since the diagonal lies on the square base. Can you visualise that now?
Yes, I understand now. Thank you