Christmas MT's answer to Clara's Junior College 1 H1 Maths Singapore question.

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Christmas MT
Christmas Mt's answer
2917 answers (A Helpful Person)
First few parts are just expansion, tedious but simple.
The last part i did was to compare to powers.
Since x^4 times x^3 divided by x^7 will give you x^0, their coefficients will give you the coefficient of x^0.
1 year ago
I’m sorry if this is obvious but how did the (1/x)^7 … line come about
Christmas MT
Christmas MT
1 year ago
I factorised out 1/x from both brackets. This makes it simpler when expanding the equation.
1 year ago
Thank you very much
Christmas MT
Christmas MT
1 year ago
No problem, feel free to ask if there is anything u r unsure abt.