Lim Xin Hui's answer to Mathsgene's Primary 6 Maths Singapore question.

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Lim Xin Hui
Lim Xin Hui's answer
10 answers (A Helpful Person)
Well my answer (only part a) is 216 and not 252 if thats what the answer key said

I do believe that the answer key is wrong because...
when u take
252÷6 = 42 (number of long ruler packs)
42 × 8 = $336 (cost for long rulers)

252 ÷4 = 63 (number of short ruler packs)
63 × 3 = $189

Difference in cost : 336 - 189 = 147 (not equal to 126 which was given in the qn)

If its a hw do clarify with ur teacher but if its assessment book uhh dont trust assessment books blindly!
1 year ago
Thank you so much for your detail really appreciate ; made a mistake in reading sold in packs
1 year ago
Good expanation