Tzu En's answer to June's Secondary 4 A Maths Singapore question.

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Tzu En
Tzu En's answer
133 answers (Tutor Details)
Hope this helps
1 year ago
But how do I get each value?
Tzu En
Tzu En
1 year ago
Can key into calculator individually, make sure in radian mode. Even if question states no calculator allowed, u can still use to calculate the trigo functions. But once u get the surds form, u shud rationalise and simplify them without the use of calculator, that is to show all workings.

Or if u want to find each value of trigo function. U can use double angle formula, for example, sin(3π/4) = sin(π/4 + π/2), making sure the double angles u used are special angles (30⁰, 45⁰, 60⁰, 90⁰...)