Han Muyuan Alex's answer to Sayf Ahmad's Secondary 1 Maths Singapore question.

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Han Muyuan Alex
Han Muyuan Alex's answer
18 answers (Tutor Details)
By separating the the numbers into their primes, you are able to find the largest common factor:

a) 6= 1x2x3 35= 1x5x7 Hence the highest common factor is 1

b) 98= 1x2x7x7 112= 1x2x2x2x2x7 Hence the highest common factor is 2x7=14

c) 117= 1x3x3x13 195= 1x3x13x5 Hence highest common factor is 3x13=39

d) 245= 1x5x7x7 392= 1x2x2x2x7x7
Hence highest common factor us 7x7=49
Sayf Ahmad
Sayf Ahmad
1 year ago
Thanks soooo much