Eng Jun Jie's answer to Clara's Junior College 1 H1 Maths Singapore question.

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Eng Jun Jie
Eng Jun Jie's answer
143 answers (Tutor Details)
1 year ago
Ok thats the exact answer i got but the r answer sheet says -ln2/ln3
Eng Jun Jie
Eng Jun Jie
1 year ago
Yeah, there's a careless mistake :(((
Boy Mow Chau
Boy Mow Chau
1 year ago
can check answers by substituting back into original equation.

x = ln2/ln3 does not satisfy the original equation.
x = -ln2/ln3 satisfies the original equation.

in the working on the left, mistake is in 4th line from bottom. the "+ln3" should be "-ln3" due to the '-' sign outside the bracket in the previous line.