Jia Earn Lim's answer to jayden's Primary 6 Maths Fractions Singapore question.

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Jia Earn Lim
Jia Earn Lim's answer
96 answers (Tutor Details)
Hope my explanation and thought process here helps :)
1 year ago
thank u,but i dont get why 28-24,it says girls that left and not boys
Jia Earn Lim
Jia Earn Lim
1 year ago
Because out of the 28 children that left, knowing that 24 were girls is not sufficient to find how many girls were there in the first place. So we need to find numbers of boys that left too as these number of boys who left make up 1/4 of all boys at first. When we have all boys at first, we can find all girls at first :)