Tan Wee Hoe's answer to jayden's Primary 6 Maths Algebra Singapore question.

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Tan Wee Hoe
Tan Wee Hoe's answer
8 answers (Tutor Details)
(a) (5-k) packets of seaweed left

(b) 5-k+2k = (5+k) packets of seaweed
1 year ago
wait i dont understand how does 5-k+2k give u (5+k) ?
Tan Wee Hoe
Tan Wee Hoe
1 year ago
This is algebra.
k is a variable that can represent any number. k can be 1, 2, 3...
In this mathematical expression, 5-k+2k, you cannot add or subtract 5 from the terms with k because you don't know what k represents.
But for the 2 terms with k, you can add/subtract them.
It may be difficult to grasp the concept when you are first learning algebra but after some practice, you should be able to get it.

Just to add, 2k means (2×k).
1 year ago
ohh now i understand ty