Jovita Lim Si Yi's answer to Damsieee's Secondary 4 A Maths Singapore question.

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Jovita Lim Si Yi
Jovita Lim Si Yi's answer
10 answers (Tutor Details)
Sufficient to prove
2 years ago
Ohhh rite rite so that’s y my Cher say my ans wrong. I just googled the diff between first and 2nd derivatives. I tot both meant the same thing as my Cher didn’t explain. Never tot it’ll be dis simple. Thx ah :)
Jovita Lim Si Yi
Jovita Lim Si Yi
2 years ago
First derivative is to find gradient, see whether the graph is upward or downward sloping, or whether theres stationary point.
Second derivative is to only check whether the stationary point is a maximum, minimum or stationary point of inflection
2 years ago
Ahhh I see. Tysm for teaching me :)))