Nuzzrath Hazzeena's answer to Hanis's Secondary 2 Maths Singapore question.

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Nuzzrath Hazzeena
Nuzzrath Hazzeena's answer
6 answers (Tutor Details)
Note the two different circles present on the number line showing the range of x values. One circle is shaded and the other is unshaded.

The shaded circle means that x is INCLUSIVE of the value -3.5 (can be -3.5 and also greater, -3.4, -3.3, -3.2 etc). The unshaded circle means that x has to be less than 7 (not 7 -->can be 6.999, 6.9, 6.8 but not 7).

Each division on the number scale is 0.5. Note that for negative numbers -4 is smaller than negative -3, -3 is smaller than -2 etc... the numbers on the number scale will run from smaller (left) to bigger (right). Therefore, it's -3.5 and not -4.5.
2 years ago