AC Lim's answer to Cans's Secondary 3 E Maths Singapore question.

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AC Lim
Ac Lim's answer
12635 answers (A Helpful Person)
Hope this helps
1 year ago
hi sorry to disturb but why does it become 3v??
AC Lim
AC Lim
1 year ago
Increased by 200%

A number at 1st = 100%
When increased by 200%, the number will be 300%

Now, number is v
When increased by 200% = 3v

(3v-v)/v × 100% = 200% increased.

Just imagine a number ..
Example 2 when increased by 200% = 6
Calculation= (6-2)/2 × 100% = 200%
Therefore, increased by 200 % = ×3
1 year ago
ahh i get it now! so i treat v³ as 1(100%), 200%= 2 so its 3v³? also! how do you get 9e - e/e ? for the percentage increase. i dont quite understand the minusing part, sorry!!!
AC Lim
AC Lim
1 year ago
At 1st = e
After = 9e

To calculate for % change
= (9e-e)/e × 100%
AC Lim
AC Lim
1 year ago
Also beware of

Increased by & increased to.

2 increased by 200% = 6
2 increased to 200% = 4

2 increased by 200% = 6
2 × 300% = 6
Mean change from 100% to 300%

2 increased to 200% = 4
2 × 200% = 4
Change from 100% to 200%

Be careful of word BY and TO
1 year ago
thank you AC Lim!