Lau Guan Yih's answer to Emily Yeoh's Primary 6 Maths Measurement Singapore question.

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Lau Guan Yih
Lau Guan Yih's answer
59 answers (Tutor Details)
Firstly, in 100 units, find the biggest number that can be cubed.
In this case, it is 4 cube or 4 x 4 x 4 = 64

We know it can’t be 5 cube as 5 x 5 x 5 = 125, which is more than our 100 units.

So she can add 64 - 9 = 55 more units to form a bigger cube.
Emily Yeoh
Emily Yeoh
2 years ago
Thank You!
Emily Yeoh
Emily Yeoh
2 years ago
Thank you!