Lau Guan Yih's answer to Abirami's Secondary 1 Maths Singapore question.

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Lau Guan Yih
Lau Guan Yih's answer
59 answers (Tutor Details)
Here you go
2 years ago
Thank you so much but the answer in c is wrong
Lau Guan Yih
Lau Guan Yih
2 years ago
Sorry, over complicated it. Should have used the formula for Simple interest instead.

A = 1400(1 + (0.085 × 2)) = 1638
A = $1,638.00, this is the amount to be paid after two years.
So to find monthly.
1,638/24= $68.25
I believe this should be the correct answer.
2 years ago
Ya this is correct Thank you