Lau Guan Yih's answer to Xing Yao's Primary 6 Maths Ratio Singapore question.

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Lau Guan Yih
Lau Guan Yih's answer
56 answers (Tutor Details)
The trick here is to try and visualise the question. Ratios will stay the same as long as we multiply both sides. (Imagine a Regular sized pizza vs a Medium sized pizza and multiplying the ratio = increasing the amount of slice per pizza. The overall ratio of the size of the two pizza is still the same)

Knowing that, we try to find a common ground, in this question, how can we make it so that we can divide the Long ribbon into 3 parts to make the ratio of 1:2?
Xing Yao
Xing Yao
1 year ago
Thanks for the detailed explanation