Yeo Kenny's answer to Yiting's Primary 5 Maths Fractions Singapore question.

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Yeo Kenny
Yeo Kenny's answer
11 answers (Tutor Details)
1st set of 10 chars: I❤️SCI❤️SCI❤️
2nd set of 10 chars: SCI❤️SCI❤️SC
3rd set of 10 chars: I❤️SCI❤️SCI❤️
4th 10 set of chars: SCI❤️SCI❤️SC

so u find a pattern..
1st char is a I
11th char is a S
21th char is a I
31th char is a S
41th char is a I

and so on...

the 101th char will be a I
1 year ago
Many thanks