AC Lim's answer to Judso's Primary 6 Maths Data Analysis Singapore question.

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AC Lim
Ac Lim's answer
13118 answers (A Helpful Person)
Hope this helps
2 years ago
Hi, May I know why do we take the diff of $0.25 to divide by 21 days and not $1.75?
AC Lim
AC Lim
2 years ago
Aisha have $21 more
When Mimi save $1.75
Aisha save $1.50
Mimi is 21-0.25 = 20.75 closer to Aisha...

2nd day
Mimi save $1.75
Aisha save $1.50
Mimi is 20.75-0.25 = 20.50 closer to Aisha...

Hence, everyday is $0.25 closer...
Total = 21÷0.25