Shawn's answer to Jonathan's Primary 6 Maths Singapore question.

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Shawn's answer
110 answers (A Helpful Person)
If you want to solve using algebra and simultaneous equations.

Another way to solve this is to use logic.

If after putting 4 per box, you’re left with 32 (which can be divided by 4 exactly), it means that the number of lollipops you have is in multiples of 4.

After putting 7 per box, you last box only has 3 lollipops. If you have another 4 more lollipops, you can put all 7 per box equally for all the boxes. Which means that a multiple of 7 - 4 is equal to a multiple of 4

By knowing these 2 statements, you can compare the multiples of 4 and 7. 4x20=80, 7x12=84
84-4=80 which is also a multiple of 4 which fits the statements. Hence the number of lollipops you have is 80. The number of boxes you have is 12.